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Equity Series Part 5: Barriers to Saying Yes to an Organ

Equity Series Part 4: Who is the Priority?

Equity Series Part 3: Maintaining Waitlist Status and Testing

Equity Series Part 2: The Black Box of Waitlist Access

Equity Series Part 1: Defining Transplant's Equity Problem

COTS vs. Custom Build In Transplant

Prioritizing Publicly Accessible APIs in Organ Transplant

Common Issues in Legacy Transplant Systems

Importance Virtual Crossmatching in Organ Transplant

Too Little, Too Much, and All Wrong: Transplant Data Challenges

What COVID-19 Taught us about Transplant

Four Ways Technological Innovation Can Overcome Racial Inequities Within the Organ Transplant System

Keys to a successful SaaS implementation in Transplant

Improving Patient Safety and Outcomes through Personalized Offer and Matching

Is a Monolith System the Best Solution for Organ Donation, Allocation and Transplant Management?

Translating High Organ Donation Rates into Quality Transplant Outcomes: Lessons from Spain

How Interoperability and APIs Can Empower Patients and Transplant Healthcare Providers

Why Isn't Every Donated Organ Used?

Patient-Centered Organ Allocation: Lessons from Switzerland

Still unknown how COVID-19 will impact organ transplants

Are Transplant Waitlists Fair Across Multiple Geographies?

What if You Need to Travel to Get a Transplant?

Can Online transplant offers reduce administrative burden

Interoperability Lessons from the Dutch Transplant Foundation (NTS)

Secure Chat in Transplant

Ready to learn more?

Afflo has solutions that can accelerate your move to an advanced donor management, waitlist, matching, offer, and transplant program now. Get in touch with us today.
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130 Queens Quay East, Suite 1314 Toronto, Ontario, M5A 0P6

+1 416 506-9998

369 Franklin Street, Buffalo, New York, NY 14202

+1 332 900-3450