Better rules. Better Matches. Faster.

About Afflo

Afflo is a unified enterprise organ transplant software built to keep up with the pace of transplant research. Configured to align to your clinical workflows from pre-referral to post-transplant follow-up, Afflo's user-defined rules put transplant professionals and their patients at the center of the process.

About Us
What is a Transplant Platform?
A transplant platform is a unified technology system designed to support the process of managing transplant patients, donors, and the organ allocation process. A transplant platform includes a stack of core technology components, including configurable modules that assemble to connect the transplant lifecycle. The Afflo platform puts data first, capturing critical information about patients waiting for transplants, potential donor organs, and the complex set of compatibility, ranking, and decision factors involved in making life-saving transplants. The platform forms the core of your tech solution, but integrates data from external health information systems and in-place tools to provide a unified system for modernizing the entire transplant process.

With more granular and comprehensive data collected and integrated than any other system, our platform provides enhanced data collection, predictive decision support, and analysis to enable faster and more accurate life-saving decisions and ongoing system innovation.

Afflo also empowers policy-makers and transplant leaders tasked with ensuring the system is effective and fair. We created the fastest and easiest way to update, test, and roll out policy or system changes with unmatched organizational autonomy and minimal operational burden.

With modern, scalable architecture, Afflo components can be deployed at the local level at transplant centers and OPOs or rolled out as an end-to-end system for the largest, most complex jurisdictions.

Mission: Improve transplant outcomes globally through technology.

Boost Confidence in Allocation

Increase Offer Certainty

Reduce Cycle Time

Increase Transparency


Our Story
As part of its technology practice, Shore, a premier public sector innovation firm, was asked to look into the transplant sector. It became clear that transplant was a clinical heavy process that depended on timely data, connected systems and configurable policy to better serve patients and reduce organ discards. Available technology was underdeveloped or in most cases, non-existent and drawing on its pedigree for solving government challenges, the process began to design a system to address this gap.

Thanks in large part to the Provincial and Federal governments of Canada, as well as significant private sector investment, the massive undertaking of building a Transplant Management System began, and Afflo was born. Afflo is a privately held company with 250 staff throughout the US and Canada.
Our Team
Executive Leadership
Chief Executive Officer
Joseph Siahou

With 30 years of technology leadership and corporate strategy in healthcare and public sectors, Joseph Siahou, founder of industry-leading tech firm, Shore Consulting Group, holds a degree in Systems Engineering from the University of Waterloo.

Head of Product
Scott McPhee

With 25 years of technical leadership, Scott McPhee propels Afflo’s growth by overseeing design, engineering, QA, and product teams. His disciplined design approach and creative technical thinking foster innovation, ensuring Afflo remains a leader and innovator.

Head of Delivery
Scott Meredith

Scott Meredith integrates Afflo’s business and technology services to address our customers’ most intricate challenges. Leading our strategic initiatives, customer implementations, and IT operations teams, Scott brings 20+ years of industry expertise to ensure streamlined operations and an exceptional focus on the customer experience.

Ready to learn more?

Afflo has solutions that can accelerate your move to an advanced donor management, waitlist, matching, offer, and transplant program now. Get in touch with us today.
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130 Queens Quay East, Suite 1314 Toronto, Ontario, M5A 0P6

+1 416 506-9998

369 Franklin Street, Buffalo, New York, NY 14202

+1 332 900-3450