Donor Organizations

With Afflo Donor and Referral Management, OPOs can improve the rate of referrals and consent and reduce missed donation opportunities through automated referrals and workflows and integration for both deceased and living donors. This provides an accurate picture of the potential donor's medical status and circumstances and reduces administrative burden. Afflo's module also reduces incidents that impact donation rates by improving policy and process alignment between hospitals and OPOs.


Own Your Data

Through integration with leading hospital EMRs and EHRs, potential donation opportunities are recognized sooner with less burden on busy ER and ICU staff.  Afflo’s Donor Referral and Management module can pull data from donor registries and automatically ingest donor referrals from hospital systems as conditions are met. Afflo Connect doesn’t just ingest this data but also allows for the configuration of automated business rules to guide procurement staff on high-priority donors as well as donors and families requiring expedited placement.
These rules can help support equity by broadening the donor pool for families and those with religious and cultural backgrounds where delaying burial services influences consent. Pre-approach and approach activities are also monitored for reporting on metrics like time to donor consent.

Enhanced Referrals and Screening

Allocation policies evolve as research evolves and Afflo matching algorithms are designed to be easily configured without sacrificing quality using Afflo's Policy Management Workbench. Afflo supports continuous distribution ranking algorithms that provide all waitlisted patients with an overall score, category-based ranking and hybrid matching that facilitates transition from category to continuous distribution ranking. Afflo also implements flexible and user-configurable exclusion and offer decline policy rules.
Afflo makes it easy to incrementally adopt new algorithms and policy changes on a transplant center, geographical or organ-by-organ basis. This reduces the risks associated with rolling out policy changes and promotes innovation and improvements in organ utilization, patient safety fairness and velocity of policy implementation.

Getting Ahead of Performance

Procurement organizations face increasing pressure to track and report on performance, increase donation and transplant rates, and demonstrate improvement over time. Reporting is no longer additional data entry and paperwork placed on the backburner. Our solution provides concrete, granular, and actionable data that empowers stakeholders to proactively work together when identifying opportunities to construct, measure, adjust, test, and implement continuous organ procurement process improvements.
Organizations can drill down on demographic and geographic data that may allow for deeper analysis of donation rates and outcomes and allow for more targeted, risk-informed, or culturally appropriate approaches.